Sharing strategic priorities and including new sub-sectors: MOT and DFAT agree to extend phase I of Aus4Transport
NMPTCP - Detailed Design and Documentation: final workshop highlights stakeholders' achievements
Supporting the development of Universally Accessible transport in Vietnam: leaving no one behind
The 5th PSC takes place with renewed enthusiasm, confirming all activities are making significant progress
The Ministry of Transport in Vietnam (MOT) and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) once again confirmed their strong commitment to the transport partnership between the two countries on the 1st of April 2022. Both parties met face-to face in a highly anticipated reunion of the Aus4Transport Program Steering Committee (PSC) to discuss overall activity progress, common strategic priorities and the expansion and extension of the Program. In a brief, but intense and effective meeting, the Committee reached several significant agreements, especially in the areas of program governance, budgeting and resources, and future collaboration regarding transport infrastructure in Vietnam. |
The design process of the NMPTCP is fully complete and construction contracts are now being awarded
The long-awaited final workshop for the Northern Mountain Provinces Transport Connectivity Project (NMPTCP) – Detailed Design and Documentation (DDD) took place on 20 May, marking an important milestone for Aus4Transport.
The event was extremely meaningful for the Program, as it signified the culmination of many joint efforts, functioned as an evaluative process, and gave all related parties and stakeholders a chance to assess and look for insights derived from the design processes of both, the engineering and non-engineering components. The team’s discussions were fruitful and provided many lessons learnt to be considered for implementation in future Detail Design and Documentation activities. |
The ATS activity delivers the first workshop to local transport authorities with a 98% attendance rate
The Aus4Transport Program, together with the Institute of Transport Strategy and Development (TDSI), have just achieved an impressive milestone in the activity “Building Capacities for Transport Authorities to Enhance a Universally Accessible Public Transport Network (ATS)” by successfully delivering the first training workshop in late April. The workshop, which involved more than 100 delegates from the four project provinces, took place on April 25 in a combined face-to-face and online meeting. The long-awaited event had an attendance rate of 98%, showing, once again, strong interest and commitment from all relevant transport agencies, stakeholders, civil society and NGOs. With this innovative activity, Aus4Transport is supporting the Ministry of Transport (MOT) and transport authorities to develop a universally accessible transport system in Vietnam that will provide opportunities for equal access to public transport for the most vulnerable
More than 150,000 people in the Northern Mountains to benefit from Aus4Transport Road Safety Campaign
Aus4Transport, the partnership between the Australian Government and the Government of Vietnam in transport sector, has been working closely with the Ministry of Transport to enhance road safety through higher quality transport infrastructure by providing technical assistance in engineering design, strengthening behavioral and management capacity of transport officials, and increasing public awareness of traffic safety for contractors, road users and local communities in project areas. Besides the detailed design for two major construction projects, the “Central Highlands Connectivity Improvement Project” and the “Northern Mountain Provinces Transport Connectivity Project (NMPTCP)”, Aus4Transport has recently submitted the “Road Safety Awareness Campaign Design”, a complementing component to NMPTCP, which will be implemented during the construction phase of the project. The campaign will reduce risk of traffic accidents by heightening awareness and practice of traffic safety. |
Saving lives also serves a long-term strategic goal to support economic growth and reduce poverty.
The northern mountainous region of Vietnam has a high prevalence of traffic accidents due to difficult terrain, poor visibility, degraded road condition, unsafe vehicles, and insufficient traffic inspections and supervision from local authorities. In addition, when compared to big cities, this area is economically, socially and educationally disadvantaged. Coupling with a high proportion of ethnic minority groups, this disadvantage translates into a significant lack of knowledge and awareness of traffic skills and safety in the local communities, putting road users at increased risk of road crashes.
Vietnam is famous for its diverse and beautiful topography; however, this geographic beauty is a big challenge when it comes to developing a comprehensive, safe, and high-quality transport infrastructure network, especially in areas with difficult access and complex terrain. |
A safe road requires the right combination of high-quality infrastructure and appropriate attitude and behaviors of road users. It is for this reason that Aus4Transport is making strong efforts to ensure road safety is mainstreamed in all the Program’s activities. The RSAC Design activity presents a comprehensive road safety awareness campaign designed to enhance the capacity of relevant agencies and stakeholders to implement road and traffic regulations. It will also increase the knowledge, traffic skills, and risk awareness among the key target groups of the Project, encouraging safe traffic participation, especially among the most vulnerable users, such as women, youth, and ethnic minorities. |
Since 2019, Aus4Transport has been collaborating with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Transport (MOT) on the USD245 million project that will upgrade two national highways and two provincial roads of approximately 199km in length, passing through seven districts, towns, and cities across the provinces of Yen Bai, Lao Cai and Lai Chau. |
As a supplementary component of NMPTCP, the RSAC will target the affected groups in 30 communes across these three provinces, covering a total of 35,351 households and 153,321 people (data 2019). Out of over 150,000 people, 49% are females, 71% belong to ethnic minority groups, and 37% are youth, who are considered vulnerable and in need of special attention during the campaign. |
Being designed to align with UNDP’s general roadway traffic safety program and closely following Vietnamese rules and regulations, this campaign will be implemented, before, during and after road works, through a variety of approaches and methodologies, ensuring gender sensitivity and respecting cultural diversity. Importantly, the campaign will include the participation of, not only the target groups of road users, but also local authorities and communication facilitators, who will play a vital role in ensuring traffic safety after the upgraded roads are in use. |
With the strong support from local authorities and the contribution of experienced road safety specialists, Aus4Transport plans to implement this activity over an approximately 2-year period, in line with the closing date of the first phase of construction, supposed to be finished by June 2024. With clear goals and targets, the RSAC will minimize the negative impact of road infrastructure development by ensuring the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the project area. In this way, it will make a genuine contribution to safely enhancing the transport connectivity of the three provinces to the GMS economic corridor. This in turn will open opportunities for trade and facilitate access to education and healthcare services for local communities, serving a long-term strategic goal to support economic growth and reduce poverty. |
A journey to a life full of opportunities: Universal Design applied to public transportation |
Ms Doan Thu Nga (DFAT) and Mr Pham Hoai Chung (TDSI - MOT) reflect on the importance of ensuring equal accessibility to public transportation, especially for vulnerable groups. |
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