Vietnam and Australia sign one more year of partnership to keep advancing the transport sector
SWLCP- Tailwind for inland waterways: multi-modal transport and economic growth in the Mekong Delta
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in the Vietnamese transport sector: from Awareness to Action
The Technical Working Group meets face-to-face again and welcomes two newly arrived members
The Aus4Transport program held its 19th Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting led by the Ministry of Transport’s Department of Planning and Investment and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on 29 October 2021. It was the first face-to-face workshop, following several months when only virtual meetings were permitted. The meeting demonstrated once again, the strong commitment and close cooperation of all stakeholders to ensure the success of the Program. All attendees had the opportunity to participate in open discussions to review progress and address issues of all on-going activities and proposed to continue conversations on the management arrangements for activities extending beyond December 2022. The meeting also remarked the presence of Mr. Benjamin Davis, First Secretary of the Australian Embassy, and Mr. Vince Crosdale, acting Team Leader of Aus4Transport, who have recently joined the team. |
Aus4Transport launches new website fully reflecting its growing scope and operation.
Aus4Transport, the transport infrastructure partnership between the Government of Vietnam and the Government of Australia, is proud to announce the launching of the Program’s new bilingual website. The online platform, accessible at http://www.aus4transport.org , has been available since the 1st of March 2021 in a Blog format and has now been expanded to display all the Program’s key information, fully reflecting Aus4Transport’ growing scope and operation. The modern and elegant-looking site, which is fully responsive and has an English and a Vietnamese version, also explains the specific aspects of Stream A and Stream B activities and compiles useful information for each and every Program activity. Opportunities, such as vacancies and open tenders, and additional resources including videos, articles and updates, factsheets and previous newsletters, are now publicly available and accessible with just one click. |
Responding to the growing transport needs of the Mekong area
The Southern Region Waterways and Transport Logistics Corridor (SWLC) Project keeps sailing forward with the collaboration of the Aus4Transport Program. The transport infrastructure initiative of the Government of Australia in Vietnam is contributing to the development of this key piece of infrastructure that aims to promote sustainable multi-modal transport and boost economic growth in the Mekong Delta. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is supporting this World Bank co-financed project with USD243,000. The funding and technical assistance provided by Aus4Transport will be dedicated to updating the Feasibility Study (FS) and the Environmental and Social Assessment Instruments (ESAI) and required documents necessary for Project approval. |
VNRA-MIS: The way for Vietnam Railways to get back on track
The railway sector plays a crucial role in the development of Vietnam’s economy, being an important medium to ensure efficient transportation of goods and connecting people nationally and internationally. It is for this reason, the Prime Minister recently approved a master plan for railway network development for the period 2021-2030. urging all parties to develop a suitable investment roadmap to meet Vietnam’s growing transportation needs. In line with the Government of Vietnam’s strategic plan, Aus4Transport, the AUD30 million Australian Government initiative supporting Vietnam’s transport sector, has just launched a new activity that will contribute to Vietnam’s Railways growth and the country's prosperity: “Building A Management Information System for Railway Infrastructure (VNRA-MIS)”.
Afforestation and Forest Protection: a vehicle for sustainable development
Forests are home to 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, provide livelihood for nearly 300 million people (including 60 million indigenous people). After a huge drop in forest cover from 43% to 27% of land area between 1943 and 1990, the government of Vietnam has taken successively stronger measures and cooperative actions to stabilise forest loss. In compliance with the Government of Vietnam’s strategic development plan and aligning with the comprehensive objectives of the Program, Aus4Transport has been working on the activity “Preparation of Replacement Afforestation Plan – Public Awareness Campaign on Forest Protection” for the Northern Mountain Provinces Transport Connectivity Project. This activity aims to mitigate the impacts on forest resources associated with project implementation by providing a detailed plan to compensate the affected forestry resources. |
GESI Training: enhancing competencies and building motivation for MOT staff
The world in general, and Vietnam in particular, are taking strong strides to eliminate gender inequality. However, there are still many challenges for women, who continuously face gender-specific difficulties, such as barriers to career development and discriminatory policies that directly affect their economic rights. Aus4Transport, in close partnership with the Transport Administration and Management Cadres (ITM), is positively progressing the activity “Capacity Building on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and Sustainable Project Management in the Transport Sector”. The activity aims to raise awareness, enhance competencies, and build motivation for MOT staff to address GESI issues in line with Vietnamese Government’s regulations and plan, while at the same time, encouraging all participants to review and address GESI issues by applying international best practices. |
Why is Global Activism to Eliminate Violence Against Women Important? What is Aus4Transport doing to Contribute?
Did you know that one in three women, worldwide, will experience some form of gender-based violence in their life, usually at the hands of an intimate partner? This statistic is not only significant, but it is also very scary and brings with it huge costs – physical, emotional, and economic. In Vietnam, according to a 2019 nationwide survey of women and girls, almost 63%, that’s nearly two in every three women that have ever been married (or in a de-facto/committed relationship) reported having experienced violence from a man at some stage in their lifetime – and more than one in three in the preceding 12 months. Violence against women continues to be one of the most persistent and widespread violations of human rights in our world today. Although vulnerable women (including young girls, elderly and people with disabilities) are more at risk, violence against women and girls (VAWG) does not discriminate based on age, social status, ability or disability, it is everywhere. |
Recognising this, and working to raise awareness and end VAWG, November 25 has been designated as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of 16 days of action to end gender-based violence that culminates on 10 December, the International Day for Human Rights. You may ask, why is this important? Why do we need an international day and an official campaign of activism to eliminate violence against women? Isn’t this a family and personal problem, rather than a community or international one? And aren’t there enough preventative measures in place already? |
The answer is quite simple: NO. The reality is, that despite continued efforts and increased awareness, the rates of VAWG remain stubbornly high, and the costs to society – physical, emotional and economic – are significant. Further, what we do know about the extent of this problem is likely just the tip of the iceberg – violence against women and girls continues to be underreported due to the impunity, stigma and shame surrounding it, particularly for survivors. |
Until all women are trusted, their concerns respected, and real action taken to address violence against women and girls and prosecute and punish perpetrators, such violence will continue to burden not just the victim and their family but also the economy. The cost of this, in terms of lost productivity, was estimated at 1.8% of GDP in 2018. As we know that violence against women is underreported, it is safe to say that this is likely an underestimation and the real cost is much higher. |
While the relationship between transport infrastructure and gender-based violence is not immediately obvious, unfortunately, it is very real. Transport is traditionally a male-dominated field, which, together with the weight of specific cultural gender stereotypes and the quite diverse socio-economic circumstances for men and women, creates an environment that is very susceptible to violence against women.
Aus4Transport, the transport partnership between the Government of Australia and the Government of Vietnam, is inherently aware of these risks and we take proactive steps to avoid, mitigate and respond to them. The Program has prepared guidance on the management of social impacts associated with temporary project-related labour influx to civil works contractors on significant projects, like the Central Highlands Connectivity Project (CHCIP). We ensure that our guidance supports construction partners to be aware of and understand these risks, and we assist them to develop appropriate labour management policies and procedures, including around gender awareness training, zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and worksite, particularly labour camp establishment and operation. |
Fruitful Technical Working Group promises great results for the Program's new activities |
After months of working online, all stakeholders showed their strong commitment and close cooperation towards the success of the Program. |
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